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Targi i wystawy jubilerskie na świecie w 2021 roku

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Zespół redakcyjny

GIRLS JEWELLERY TOKYOJewelry International Exhibition once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 01/13/2021
4 days
IJT - INTERNATIONAL JEWELLERY TOKYOJewelry Trade Exhibition Covering the Entire Range of Jewelry, Gemstones and Jewelry Related Products once a year Tokyo (Japan) Tokyo International Exhibition Center (Tokyo Big Sight) 01/13/2021
4 days
GREEK JEWELRY SHOWGreek Jewelry Show once a year Athens (Greece) MEC - Mediterranian Exhibition Center 01/15/2021
4 days
PALAKISSSpecialized jewelry exhibition twice a year Vicenza (Italy) Palakiss Business Center 01/22/2021
6 days
T-GOLDJewelry & Gems Manufacturing Equipment International Exhibition once a year Vicenza (Italy) Fiera di Vicenza 01/22/2021
6 days
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO GEORGIOS BANQUETS ORLAND PARKLuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO Georgios Banquets features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners unknown Chicago, IL (USA) Georgios Banquets, Orland Park 01/24/2021
1 day
SHOWCASE - IRELAND'S CREATIVE EXPOInternational Consumer Goods Fair. Showcase, Ireland's Creative Expo is the place to discover unique, design-led fashion and knitwear, jewellery, craft, gift and interiors… once a year Dublin (Ireland) Royal Dublin Society 01/24/2021
4 days
BRIDE - ABU DHABIMiddle East Wedding Fair once a year Abu Dhabi (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Abu-Dhabi National Exhibition Center - Adnec 01/27/2021
4 days
SAMSUN MARRIAGE AND WEDDING PLANNINGMarriage and Wedding Planning Fair Marriage Preparation, Housing Projects, Furniture, Accessories, Decoration, Glassware, Wedding Gowns, Evening Dresses, Dowry, Carpet, Wedding Organization, White Goods and Home Electronics Fair once a year Samsun (Turkey) Tüyap Damsun Fair and Congress Center 01/28/2021
4 days
HOMI MILANOInternational Home Show. Household and Gift Articles, Costume Jewelry, Perfumery and Fancy Items, Hardware, "Do It Yourself" twice a year Milan (Italy) Fiera Milano, Rho 01/29/2021
4 days
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO-O'HARELuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners 3 times a year Chicago, IL (USA) Chicago Marriott O'Hare 01/31/2021
1 day
JCK TUCSONFinest Jewellery Expo. JCK Tucson is a curated destination of finished jewelry, technology and loose gemstones from the finest designers and suppliers displaying one-of-a-kind collections with the utmost integrity once a year Tucson, AZ (USA) JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort & Spa 02/03/2021
4 days
JUNWEX ST.PETERSBURGInternational Exhibition of Fine Jewelry & Precious Metals Expo once a year St. Petersburg (Russia) ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre 02/03/2021
5 days
BISUTEX FERIA DE MADRIDInternational reference fair for fashion Jewelry and accessories twice a year Madrid (Spain) Ifema - Parque Ferial Juan Carlos I 02/04/2021
4 days
THE RETAIL QUARTER MELBOURNEThe Retail Quarter Melbourne gathers wholesalers and new suppliers of gift, homewares and fashion, jewellery & accessories once a year Melbourne (Australia) Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre 02/06/2021
4 days
HEXAGONE RENNESGift Show. HEXAGON Rennes is a tradeshow for gifts, souvenirs, decoration, regional items, fragrances, costume jewelry, ready-to-wear, florists, gourmet gifts and objects from brittany once a year Rennes (France) Parc-Expo de Rennes-Aéroport 02/07/2021
2 days
JEWELLERY & WATCH BIRMINGHAMJewellery & Watches Show. Jewellery & Watch Birmingham gathers beautiful collections of precious, semi-precious, silver and fashion Jewellery and a strong focus on watches, alongside related tools and equipment, packaging and display and shop fittings once a year Birmingham (UK - United Kingdom) National Exhibition Centre 02/07/2021
5 days
BRIDE - DUBAIMiddle East Wedding Fair once a year Dubai (UAE - United Arab Emirates) Dubai World Trade Centre (Dubai Exhibition Centre) 02/10/2021
4 days
PALM BEACH JEWELRY & ANTIQUE SHOWJewelry & Antique Show in Palm Beach. Palm Beach Jewelry & Antique Show features the collections of renowned international dealers, attracts tens of thousands of private collectors, museum curators, investors and interior designers once a year Palm Beach, FL (USA) Palm Beach County Convention Center 02/11/2021
6 days
WATCHES&WONDERS - MIAMIWatches&Wonders is entirely dedicated to the culture, expertise and heritage of Fine Watchmaking every 2 years Miami, FL (USA) 02/12/2021
3 days
SALON MADE IN FRANCE'Haute-Façon’ Fair. Clothing (Ready-to-Wear, Women, Men, Children). Leather goods, Home linen, Jewelry, Fashion accessories, Lingerie once a year Paris (France) Paris Nord Villepinte 02/15/2021
5 days
INHORGENTA MUNICHInternational Trade Fair for Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Precious Stones, Pearls, Silverware and their Manufacturing Equipment once a year Munich (Germany) Fairground Messe München 02/19/2021
4 days
NAPLES ART, ANTIQUE & JEWELRY SHOWArt, Antique and Jewelry Show in Naples, FL. Naples Art, Antique and Jewelry Show features the collections of renowned international dealers, attracts tens of thousands of private collectors, museum curators, investors and interior designers once a year Naples, FL (USA) Naples Exhibition Center 02/19/2021
5 days
REED GIFT FAIRS - SYDNEYBiggest annual gift and Homewares event in NSW. Reed Gift Fair, Trade Exhibition for the Wholesale Gift Products, Homewares, Fashion Accessories, Kitchenware & Jewelry Industries. Where retailers source & buy latest products from suppliers once a year Sydney (Australia) ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney 02/20/2021
4 days
THE RETAIL QUARTER SYDNEYThe Retail Quarter Sydney gathers wholesalers and new suppliers of gift, homewares and fashion, jewellery & accessories once a year Sydney (Australia) ICC Sydney - International Convention Centre Sydney 02/20/2021
4 days
DOHA JEWELLERY & WATCHESJewellery and unique pieces, watches, gemstones, and diamonds Exhibition once a year Doha (Qatar) Doha Exhibition & Convention Center 02/22/2021
6 days
BANGKOK GEMS & JEWELRY FAIRGem Stones, Jewelry, Equipments and Jewelry Boxes. The Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair is Asia’s leading trade show for the jewelry industry, providing an outstanding platform for Thai and international jewelry designers and manufacturers twice a year Bangkok (Thailand) Impact Exhibition & Convention Center 02/23/2021
5 days
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO OAK BROOKLuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners once a year Chicago, IL (USA) Chicago Marriott Oak Brook 02/24/2021
1 day
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO DRURY LANE THEATRELuxury Bridal Exhibition in Oak Brook, IL. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO DRURY LANE features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners unknown Oak Brook, IL (USA) Drury Lane Theatre 02/24/2021
1 day
ELITEXPOInternational specialized Jewelry Fair-Exhibition. Jewelry. Jewels and semi-jewels. Technologies, Equipment and Instruments for Jewelry Production. Bank metals. Watches. Bijouterie and costly Accessories. Antiques. Author’s works of Art twice a year Lviv (Ukraine) Lviv Palace of Arts 02/25/2021
4 days
JEWELLERY SIBERIAInternational Exhibition of Jewelry, Precious Stones, Equipment for Treatment and Manufacturing, Clock and Watch Trade unknown Novosibirsk (Russia) Novosibirsk Expocentre 02/25/2021
4 days
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO MARRIOTT SCHAUMBURGLuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners once a year Chicago, IL (USA) Chicago Marriott Schaumburg 02/28/2021
1 day
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO MEADOWS CLUB SCHAUMBURGLuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO MEADOWS CLUB features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners twice a year Schaumburg, IL (USA) Marriott Hotel, Schaumburg 02/28/2021
1 day
SPECIALIZED WATCHES EXHIBITIONWatches Exhibition twice a year Mishref (Kuwait) Kuwait International Fairs Ground March 2021 (?)
ZAK JEWELS EXPO CHENNAIInternational Jewelry Exhibition and Sale 3 times a year Chennai (India) Taj Coromandel, Chennai March 2021 (?)
SPRING SEASONSInternational Trade Fair for the Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Industry. Asia’s Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Fair (3FJ) is the perfect marketplace to launch or source your latest Autumn/Winter collections once a year Hong Kong (Hong Kong) AsiaWorld - Expo 03/02/2021
4 days
BEST ADORNMENTS OF RUSSIA - MOSCOWJewelry Exhibition twice a year Moscow (Russia) VDNH Exhibition Center 03/05/2021
4 days
PREMIÈRE CLASSEFashion Accessories Trade Show twice a year Paris (France) Jardin des Tuileries - Esplanade des Feuillants 03/05/2021
3 days
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO SHERATON HOTEL, BROOKFIELD, WILuxury Bridal Exhibition in Millwaukee. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO Brookfield features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners unknown Milwaukee, WI (USA) Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel 03/07/2021
1 day
VICENZA OROInternational Show dedicated to Gold and Silverware, Jewelry and Gemology twice a year Vicenza (Italy) Fiera di Vicenza 03/12/2021
5 days
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO MARRIOTT NAPERVILLELuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO Chicago Marriott Naperville features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle & Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Plan 3 times a year Chicago, IL (USA) Chicago Marriott Naperville 03/14/2021
1 day
MJSA EXPOExhibition for Major Manufacturers, Bench Jewelers, Retail Buyers and Designers. MJSA Expo New York is the show dedicated to professional excellence in jewelry making and design once a year New York, NY (USA) Jacob K. Javits Convention Center 03/15/2021
3 days
AMBERIFInternational Fair of Amber, Jewelry and Gemstones once a year Gdansk (Poland) Amberexpo /2021
3 days
AMBERMARTInternational Amber Fair once a year Gdansk (Poland) Amberexpo /2021
4 days
LOFTDesign, Furniture, Home Accessories, Fashion & Jewellery Trade Show once a year Karlsruhe (Germany) Messe Karlsruhe 03/19/2021
3 days
JEWELERS INTERNATIONAL SHOWCASE - JIS MIAMIInternational Jewelry Tradeshow 3 times a year Miami, FL (USA) Miami Beach Convention Center 03/22/2021
3 days
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